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Voice Recognition

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors


Student ambassadors are trained to welcome new students, sit with the new student at lunch, play with the new student at recess, introduce the new student to other students and staff members, and help the new student negotiate the building [bathrooms, cafeteria, playground], otherwise facilitate the inclusion of the new student.  

All new students will be assigned a student ambassador from their homeroom.    There are ambassadors in each classroom.    These students have demonstrated positive character traits and actively seek to include other students.

The program has two purposes.  First, each new student has someone to be his friend and help him out.  Secondly, the program provides leadership training to the students who serve as ambassadors.

The Student Ambassador Program meets the “6 Keys of Motivation:”                      

Safety, Success, Love and Belonging, Freedom and Independence, Fun and Enjoyment, and Valued Purpose.

The Student Ambassador Training will be provided by, Barrett Beshoar, Counselor, and Chris Madrid, ELD Teacher.  Following training, Oak Grove Student Ambassadors will meet, monthly, as a group to share their “Student’s Success Stories,” and/or meet for a “Problem Solving Discussion Session.”
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