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Voice Recognition

Our School

Our School

Our School:
Oak Grove’s origins date back to 1886 with the construction of a small  log cabin school on Spring Creek Mesa.  Over the years the building has changed and grown, but our purpose has not.  For more than 130 years we have served families in our area, providing a quality education in a caring school community.  Currently we are a thriving school of approximately 393 students in kindergarten through fifth grade, with 50 staff members working to make a difference for kids every day.  Our academic programs engage students in solid foundations of reading, writing and math while encouraging inquiry, creativity and deeper thinking.  Our school farm enriches our school community through authentic learning experiences with a focus on developing agricultural literacy.  In addition to the general education setting, all students participate in differentiated reading and math groups based on their strengths and needs.   We build our work on the foundational belief that people are motivated and supported when the following needs are met. 

Love and Belonging
Freedom and Independence
Fun and Enjoyment
Valued Purpose  

Our Mission:
Oak Grove School will meet the academic, social and emotional needs of each child in a collaborative and caring environment where risks are encouraged and life-long learning is inspired.

~Every Child, Every Day~
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