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Principal's Update

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Notes from Principal

Eric Sanchez

Principal’s message:


Dear Columbine Students, Parents, and Families:

Welcome Back to the 2024-25 School Year. I am very excited to announce some new initiatives Columbine will be implementing this year that we believe will enhance your student’s school experience.

Initiative #1: WE HAVE A BRAND-NEW BELL SCHEDULE. Please take a copy of the new bell schedule and look it over. It is very different from anything Columbine has done in the past with the hope that the changes will produce a better classroom experience and increased academic success for all students. Be sure you pay attention to which period starts each day of the week. This will stay consistent all year long and makes it vital your student arrives to school on time. A team of dedicated staff members spent many hours working to create this schedule and we are excited to see what results from it.

Initiative #2: SEMINAR CLASS. To be as responsive as possible to individual student needs, we have removed RAM Time and created a Seminar class, led by a licensed teacher, that will meet students where they are with their core academic progress in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Seminar teachers will work closely with classroom teachers to ensure mastery of grade-level standards are achieved and the necessary remediation, or extension, are provided to all students. Seminar allows for students who need extra support to receive it in the classroom setting and not be removed from an exploratory/elective class. Seminar class will also provide an avenue to discuss grade level appropriate character education skills and school wide behavior expectations to all students. ** Students who participate in Jazz Band or Show Choir will have those classes scheduled during the school day, in lieu of Seminar class. **

Initiative #3: CO-TAUGHT CORE CLASSES FOR ALL IEP, ELL, AND GATE STUDENTS. Columbine wants to provide equal access to core content curriculum for ALL students. While individual needs will continue to be honored and accounted for, co-teaching allows for all students in the building to receive grade level content with best instructional practices delivered by two licensed teachers (co-teaching). Not only will this enhance the experience of the students with increased academic needs, but it will also provide additional support for every student in the co-taught classroom.

Again, I am very excited about the changes Columbine Middle School is implementing this year. As a staff, we are committed to making each day the best experience we can for all students who walk through our doors. Please reach out to the school with any questions.

Yours in service,
Eric Sanchez
Columbine Middle School
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