Athletic Philosophy
We believe that Middle School Sports provide the opportunity for athletes to develop sportsmanship along with strong fundamental skills while increasing their knowledge about the sport. Participation and sportsmanship is one of our main areas of focus here at Columbine. All athletes will be expected to respect and encourage teammates not only during athletic activities but at school as well. Athletes will also show respect and cooperation to all coaches, teachers, and administrators as well as represent Columbine Middle School with the highest integrity.
Athletic Packets
- Athletic packets may be picked up at the main office or downloaded from our school website. They include: a physical form, proof of insurance, and the training code.
- All athletic packets must be filled out and fees paid before a player is allowed to participate in practices.
- All yellow cards must be turned in as well before a player is allowed to participate.
- Athletic packets, fees and yellow cards may be turned in to the front office or to the coaches.
Academic Requirements and Procedures
- Eligibility - Teachers will post grades by noon each Monday. Coaches will receive an eligibility list every Monday before practice. Students receiving two or more "F" in any class will be ineligible to participate in games that week Monday through Saturday. Students with only one "F" are eligible to participate for the week. Citizenship will also be considered when determining eligibility. Players who are listed on the ineligible list for a total of three weeks will not be allowed to play or practice for the remainder of the season.
Concussion Test
- Every athlete will be given a computer based impact test within the first two weeks of the season. Tests are good for a period of two years.
- It is the policy of Columbine Middle School that any athlete who suffers a head injury or concussion may not participate in practice or games until there is a written release from a physician.
- Players will be required to attend and participate in all practices and study halls.
- Players will be given a warning for their 1st unexcused absence.
- A player receiving a 2nd unexcused absence will be required to set up a meeting with their parents and coaches. The meeting will be used to discuss a plan to improve attendance and possible consequences. A player will not play until coaches meet with parents.
- Players must have written parent permission or a written doctor's note to be excused from practice.
- Students must attend a minimum of four class periods on a given day in order to participate on that given day (or on a Friday if the competition is held on a Saturday). Failure to attend a minimum of four classes will result in the inability to play for that day.
Click here to download the sports physical packet.