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Medications at school

Medications at school

If a student requires medication to be administered at school, the information and permissions must go through the Health Office.  Parents may administer medication in the office as well.  Please contact the front office if you have any questions.

Head Lice

Lice infestation represents a nuisance rather than a health hazard. Anyone can get lice, and it is not something to be embarrassed by.  Remember--children do not always have symptoms of itchiness with head lice.  Remind your child to not share hats, scarves, brushes or combs with others.  The BEST way to prevent a lice outbreak in school is to check your child at home regularly!

Please call the nurse with questions.

Severe Allergies

Each year, one or more students in our school has a life-threatening allergy to bee and wasp stings or foods.  Peanuts and tree nuts are the most common food allergens.
  • If exposed to a peanut or tree nut through contact or ingestion these students may develop a life threatening reaction that requires emergency medical treatment.
  • Strict avoidance of peanuts and tree nuts is the only way to prevent such reactions.
  • Students should not share food with other students.  
  • There are designated peanut/tree nut free tables in the cafeteria.
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