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Health Office

How sick is too sick?
When to keep your child at home from school.

There are three main reasons to keep sick children at home:

  1. The child doesn’t feel well enough to take part in normal activities (such as; overly tired, fussy or won’t stop crying)
  2. The child needs more care than teachers and staff can give, and still care for the other children.
  3. The illness is on the list and staying home is recommended.

SymptomsChild Must Be at Home?
Frequent loose or watery stools
YES- Child can return to school 24 hours after the last episode.
A fever of 100°F or above
YES– Child can return to school 24 hours after being fever free WITHOUT THE HELP OF FEVER REDUCING MEDICATION
Fever over 100°F with a cough or sore throat. Tiredness, body aches, vomiting and diarrhea.
YES- for 24 hours after the fever is gone without the help of fever reducing medicine.
NOTE: Children with asthma may go to school with a written health care plan and the school is allowed to give them medicine and treatment.
YES- if severe, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing; rapid or difficulty breathing. Seek medical attention.
Mild RESPIRATORY OR COLD SYMPTOMSNO- may attend if able to take part in regular school activities.
Keep home if symptoms are severe.
NOTE: Body rash without fever or behavior changes usually does not need to stay home from school, call the doctor.
YES- call the doctor. Any rash that spreads quickly, has open weeping wounds and/or is not healing should be evaluated.
VOMITINGYES- Child can return to school 24 hours after the last episode.
NOTE: Seasonal allergies may also cause conjunctivitis symptoms.
NO- Child may attend if able to take part in regular school activities. Call the doctor for diagnosis and possible treatment.
STREP THROATYES- For 24 hours after starting antibiotics and the child is able to partake in regular activities.
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