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Voice Recognition

Student Handbook


Student Handbook (English)

1100 S. 5th Street

Montrose, Colorado 81401

Office:  249-2576

Attendance:  240-6484

Guidance:  240-6485

Fax:  240-6461

General Info



It has become a tradition at Centennial Middle School that immediately following the first bell each school day the morning announcements will be read then all students will stand and be led in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Lost and found items should be turned in and claimed at the main office.  To avoid problems, put your name on your possessions and do not leave valuable possessions in your locker.  It is recommended all electronic items be left at home. We will do our best to help you recover lost or stolen items but the school is not responsible for them.


Mr. Piquette and Mrs. Griffin will be available in the guidance office to work with individual students, groups of students and families. This service can help students recognize the challenges of life and develop plans for success. Appointments may be made through Mrs. Cisneros, the registrar. Except in a crisis situation, students need a pass from the teacher to leave class and go to the counselor’s office.


If you need to use the telephone during school hours you may do so with permission from office staff in the front office. If a teacher requests that you call home for any reason, you will be allowed to use the telephone in the classroom. Students, you are not allowed to use your cell phone during school hours.  Parents, if you need to contact your child, please call the front office.  This includes texting with any device.


We call our library the Instructional Media Center or “IMC”.  IMC hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  Passes for student access before school and during lunch should be obtained in advance from our school librarian.  Fiction and nonfiction materials may be checked out for a period of two weeks with renewal available.  Reference materials may be checked out for one class period or overnight.  Fines will be charged on overdue materials.  Overdue notices are reminders only.  Failure to receive a notice does not excuse students from their responsibility for overdue material.


Because student fees are essential for the operation and growth of Centennial Middle School students will not be allowed to participate in any school sponsored or extra curricular activity if they have unpaid fees. If a family needs assistance please contact the office and they will be able to work with that student.



All Centennial personnel are to report any unusual activity or questionable strangers on campus to the office.  This includes routes to and from school, inside the school, and outside on school grounds.  Strangers encountered on school property should be directed to the main office by a staff member but, if found suspicious or hostile, the police will be contacted.  In some cases the school may go to a lockdown status if the individual is threatening or dangerous.  Lockdown drills will occur at least once per month involving a variety of preplanned scenarios.  These drills will be used to train staff and students in the event of a real emergency in our school.


Centennial Middle School has a closed campus policy.  You should not arrive at our campus earlier than 7:45 A.M., when the cafeteria is open for breakfast.
You are encouraged to stay outside before the bell rings.  
At the end of the day, you should leave the building unless you have a school-sponsored activity or are required to stay after school.
If you are not involved in after-school functions, please clear the halls and vacate the building by 3:40 P.M.
If you do not ride the bus, you are expected to leave campus as soon as possible.
If you ride the bus, you are expected to wait in the cafeteria at the table that is assigned to your bus number.  When your bus arrives the number will be called by a staff member and your table will be dismissed to board the bus.  You will not be permitted to wait outside for your bus.
If you get a ride from a family member, you need to be picked up in the big parking lot located off of Python & South 5th streets.  You will wait on the blacktop adjacent to that parking lot.  The loop just outside the main office is reserved for busses from 7:40-8:15 am and 3:30-4:15 pm.


Centennial is a closed campus institution.  Leaving campus during the day without permission from school personnel is considered truancy.  Students will not be permitted to go home for lunch. Parents or Guardians must pick up their child. The student will not be allowed to walk home.


Parents and community members are encouraged to visit but are also encouraged to make prior arrangements when possible.  Upon arrival, visitors must to check in at the main office where you will be issued a visitor pass. Visitors must have a valid ID and are subject to a quick background check prior to entering the school building. Visits by students from other schools are not allowed.


(From School Board Policy JLCD)

A school nurse or other personnel shall administer NO prescription or nonprescription medication at school without the following requirements being met:

All medications-prescription, over the counter, long or short term, including cough drops, vitamins, Tylenol, herbal remedies-require yearly written authorization signed by both the prescribing practitioner and the parent.  Forms are available in the school’s health office.
All medications must be in the original, labeled bottle/container/package.
Asthma inhalers, epipens and diabetic medications and supplies may be carried by the student if the appropriate authorization form/health care plan is signed by the prescribing practitioner, the parent and, if applicable, the student.
The parent must pick up medications that are locked and safeguarded in the school health office.  Any medications left over after the last day of school will be discarded.


WALL OF HONOR – Head Boy and Head Girl

One Head Boy and One Head Girl, will be selected yearly, to be placed on the Wall Of Honor.

In order to be eligible for the Wall of Honor a student must meet the following criteria:

Be on the Honor Role for 11 straight quarters

Have no behavioral referrals

Have participated in a CtMS extra-curricular activity for at least two quarters.


Lock your bicycle in the bike rack as soon as you arrive at school.  It must remain there until you leave.  Skateboards may not be stored in lockers.  Lock your skateboard in the rack. Students may not ride bicycles, skateboards or roller blades on school grounds. Aside from handicap access, transporting yourself in or around the school on wheels of any kind is not permitted.


You may either receive a meal from the cafeteria or bring your lunch from home.

Pick up trash in the area where you eat
Remain seated until a supervisor dismisses you
Ask for permission to leave the cafeteria prior to dismissal
Deposit all waste in the trash containers
Return all utensils/trays to the dishwashing area
Cooperate with the cafeteria staff and supervisors


Students will not be allowed to eat or drink in the halls. If a teacher gives permission they may eat or drink in the class of the teacher that gave permission.


Student hall passes are handed out by staff or provided through our new BEARS app. Your pass must show a staff signature, date and the time you left if you are in a hallway during instructional time. You must always have a pass to be out of your classroom during class time. During class periods, every student in the hall needs a pass. Students without a pass need to be directed back to the class they came from so they may obtain a pass.


Students are not permitted in the hallways prior to the first bell (includes athletes) unless a teacher has made an arrangement for a meeting.  Meeting arrangements must be in writing and signed by the teacher.  These can be on simple notebook paper or on a printed pass.  The pass would be presented to the supervising duty teacher.  Cafeteria duty supervisors also have a designated number of passes that can be provided to students wishing to attend homework help before school.  Designated Homework Help passes must be turned in to an adult associated with that program on the same morning the pass is provided.


Each year you attend Centennial we will provide you with a locker for storage of jackets, books, victuals and supplies.  All lockers are in good working condition at the beginning of the school year.  Any locker damage or malfunctions should be reported to school personnel immediately.  Locker problems are not excuses for poor punctuality.  Keep your combination a secret.  Cold lunch may be stored in your locker but leftover food must be brought home daily to prevent attracting pests or emitting odors into our building.  Changing lockers is not allowed without permission.  Above all, BE SURE TO LOCK UP ALL VALUABLE ITEMS IN YOUR LOCKER. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.  Lockers are school property and may be inspected periodically and without notice.


Respect school property. Please do not climb or stand on outdoor equipment.  E.g., picnic tables, basketball hoops, soccer goals, and on top of rock wall.


Make-up work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator or unless the absence is due to the student’s expulsion from school.  Students, it is your responsibility to pick up any make-up assignments you may have on the day you return to class.  There will be two days allowed for make-up work for each day of absence.  It is not always possible for your teachers to provide your make-up work prior to your absence.


If you are injured or become ill and need to go home, go to the Health Office with a signed and dated pass from your teacher.  Your parent/guardian will be contacted by school officials and asked to pick you up. Students using their cell phone to report an illness are not permitted and will be disciplined per building policy.


Please see the District Handbook for details. Students will also follow the BEARS Rule!


Any item that may interfere with the learning environment should not be brought to class or be out during class time.  This includes but is not limited to items that are addressed in the school district weapons policy, our dress code policy and in the next section discussing cell phones.  Each staff member has the responsibility to make judgment calls on a questionable item and the authority to collect the item or require it be put away.


Cell phones and other wireless devices are distracting and disruptive in the learning environment and must be turned off, kept out of sight, and not used during school hours unless a teacher is allowing them for educational purposes. (See Phone/Device use exemption) Violation of this expectation will result in your device being collected by a staff member. Students and parents, please follow this rule. If you need to get a message to your child, please call the front office. Phones are not allowed during the school day, including inside before the bell rings.

Phone/Device use exception:

Use of phones during class is permitted as a learning tool in a situation that is arranged by your teacher. Once the activity is complete or at the end of the class, normal expectations go back into effect.

If your phone or device is collected, you will be asked to power it down.

1st Offense – You may claim your phone after school
2nd Offense – Your parent must come in and pick up your phone
3rd Offense- You will not be permitted to possess a phone/device on campus and you may be subject to random searches.  If a device is found, it will be confiscated and you will be subject to disciplinary action.

If you use your phone or device inappropriately, as described above, during the school day and post any of the contents on any social media/internet further discipline or consequences may follow. (See Disciplinary Actions)  


Students are not allowed to have headphones, ear buds, or any other listening device used with electronics visible on their person from a time period of first bell to last bell of the school day. This policy is in accordance with the use of electronic devices during the school day. Exceptions may be use as expressly permitted by classroom teachers for instruction or for I-Ready testing. Repeated offenses will involve a parent picking the device from the office, and/or denial of student privilege to bring the device on school grounds.


The public display of affection is not appropriate in our school at any time and is a distraction to the learning environment.




This dress code applies to each Centennial Middle School student while in school attendance. The goal is to maximize the effectiveness of your working and learning environment.

Shoes must be worn at all times.
Students will be allowed to wear shorts to school subject to the following guidelines:
Shorts must be neat, clean and in good taste. Shorts must be hemmed and not shorter than mid-thigh. If the hem of your shorts is not even with the tips of your fingers or longer, when your arms are relaxed at your sides, they are too short.
Any clothing (or lack of clothing) which is distracting is inappropriate. Students may not wear hats or bandanas in the building between 8:10 and 3:40. Pants will be worn up around the waist and secured appropriately with no undergarments exposed. The end of belts may not hang below clothing. Sunglasses, bare midriffs, pajamas, tank tops, sleeveless shirts, spaghetti strap tops, tube tops, mesh shirts and exposed undergarments are considered inappropriate. All shirts must have a seam that goes over the shoulders.
Any clothing that displays alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, gang insignia, racial dominance or sexual innuendoes will not be permitted.
Student appearance should be appropriate for the learning environment. Make-up, hair, jewelry or any other item(s) that creates a distraction shall be deemed inappropriate and students will be asked to remove or otherwise change in order to restore the learning environment.
Hats: Hats may not be visible during the instructional day inside the building. They need to be put in the locker and not carried around. They may be worn outside during lunch.
The DRESS CODE applies to activity nights, school sponsored events, and athletics.
The descriptions listed above are guidelines that, when followed, should eliminate issues with student wardrobes and school appropriateness. We realize maintaining appropriate dress is a school wide effort. Each staff member has the responsibility to make judgment calls on questionable attire and the authority to require adjustments.




The use of video surveillance is present at Centennial Middle School. The use of video surveillance is used for safety and discipline issues. See SCHOOL BOARD POLICY ECAF-R

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