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Parent Letter

Parent Letter

Basketball Sports Letter 2023-2024

Philosophy: We believe Middle School Sports provide the opportunity for athletes to develop lifelong skills including responsibility, work ethic, sportsmanship as well as strong fundamental skills and knowledge about the sport they are playing.  Participation and sportsmanship are the main areas of emphasis here at Columbine.  All athletes will be expected to demonstrate responsible behavior and good sportsmanship not only during athletic activities but before, during and after school as well.

  1. Concussion Management Information, IMPACT testing = All 7th graders and any new students who have not taken the test.
  2. Sports Physical/Participation Paperwork: Please obtain a packet from in our front office.
  3. Physical/Fees/Training Code - All athletes must have a current physical, athletic paperwork completed and on file before they can participate in a sport. This includes all athletic fees. Check with head coaches to make sure all forms have been filled out and fees paid.
  4. Practice & Game Schedules: Go to: Columbine Middle School in the pop down menu (Select a School)Select Athletics Basketball, Football, volleyball, CC, etc.
  5. Practice times & Parent Pick up: Please pick up your child when practices are scheduled to end. In turn coaches will go by the practice schedule and end practices on time.
  6. Eligibility: Teachers will post grades by noon each Monday.Coaches will receive an eligibility list every Monday before practice time.Students receiving one or more F in any class will be ineligible to participate in all competition that week. (Monday – Saturday)
  7. Grievance Procedure:
    1. Participant goes to coach
    2. Participant & Parent goes to the coach
    3. Parent, Coach, Athletic Director meet
    4. Parent, Coach, Athletic Director and Principal meet
      All meeting must be prearranged. Please do not try to meet with a coach before or after a competition.
  8. Returning from contests: Parents can only sign their own children out after a contest.
  9. Sportsmanship: It is our job as professionals and parents to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times. Please practice this at all competitions during the year

    We Believe
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