Welcome to OMS Athletics.
Before an athlete can participate in a sport they must have the entire sports
packet filled out and a current sports physical signed by doctor.
OMS Sports Schedules
Middle School Girls Basketball
8th grade will start Tuesday Dec. 3rd after school all week
7th grade will start Monday Dec. 9th at 3:45-5pm and 8th grade @ 5pm-6:15pm.
Teams will alternate each week for early or late practice.
Also all fees need to be paid before season is complete and before the athlete can
participate in the next sport. If you have any questions please contact Sara Gray or Darren Sofka
Fees-Cross Country, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Track : $50
Football: $70
Fall : Cross Country , Volleyball, Football
Winter : Basketball, Wrestling
Spring : Track
(7th and 8th graders can participate in all sports, 6th graders only Cross Country and Wrestling)