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Parent Information

Kindergarten Registration Opens on March 31, 2025

Kindergarten Registration Opens on March 31, 2025. For more information, please visit our Kindergarten Registration Page here.

First Day of School for SY 25-26

The first day of school for students will be Monday, August 18, 2025. 

  1. Preschool and Kindergarten Students will start school on Thursday, August, 21st.
  2. Johnson's Kindergarteners will start on August 22th and 25th. More information to follow.
  3. All Peak Academy Students will start on Monday, August 18, 2025.

Academic Calendars for 25-26 and 26-27 Posted

Academic Calendars for 25-26 and 26-27 have been posted here.

ESSA Annual Reporting

Overview of the ESSA State Report Card
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), State Education Agencies are required to prepare and disseminate an annual state report card that meets the minimum requirements described in federal law.

Click here for more information.

Activity/Athletic Handbook

The Board of Education of Montrose County School District RE-1Jrecognizes the great benefit to the District and its students, as well as to the community, of a comprehensive and vigorous athletic program firmly focused upon the welfare of its athletes. The short-term and long-term health and life experience advantages to athletic participants are well known.
To that end, the Board wishes to make it clearly and widely known that full compliance with the adopted Athletic Training Code and the Athletic Procedures handbook is expected of all athletes, their parents and guardians, and their coaches. These rules and procedures have been established to insure that the interscholastic athletics in the Montrose County School District RE-1J will be conducted primarily for the benefit of the students, that participation will be a worthwhile and healthy learning experience, and that individuals and teams will be well and fairly coached. The Board considers the importance of individual and team win-loss records to be secondary to these objectives.

Furthermore, the Board takes very seriously its responsibility to the District’s students and athletic coaches to insure that all athletic policies, procedures, and rules will be enforced fairly and uniformly. To that end, it holds the school district and building administrators, the coaches, the students, and the students’ parents and guardians individually and collectively accountable for observing and enforcing those policies, procedures, and rules. In return, it pledges, without reservation, to firmly support any and all reasonable efforts by school district personnel, students, and parents and guardians to enforce those policies, procedures, and rules.
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