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Peak Online Students

Peak Online Students

What makes a successful Peak Online Student?

Self-disciplined and Independent - Online study can be a challenge for many students as it is more rigorous and time consuming than in-person class. The student should be prepared to spend a minimum of 1-1.5 hours per day per class (4-6 hours per day x 5 days per week). Students should be able to work on their own and stay on task. 

Family Involvement- Peak elementary students must have a learning coach who is committed to teaching and tracking student’s progress and communicating with Peak staff. Peak middle and high school students must have a parent/guardian who monitors student progress daily by logging in and seeing student progress (asking about progress without actually looking at each class does not work).

Dedicated Work Space - School work should be conducted in an area free of distractions. Trying to work on a bed or couch leads to procrastination. Despite work being online, students still may have to write on paper or a whiteboard to complete their lessons so a table or desk is ideal. The work space also needs to be easily visible by parents (bedrooms are not a good work space) and should be considered their learning or classroom space.

Prepared, Engaged and Accountable - students who are behind academically may find themselves unable to catch up, in this environment it is imperative that students stay on track. Online curriculum does not slow down or take a day off.  Our school calendar is programmed into Edgenuity and Stride K12, so there is no work assigned on district days off. Online attendance is recorded by student progress and for online students, attendance is additionally captured in their required Zoom and/or Google Meet sessions.  If students are behind then they are considered absent according to the State of Colorado.

Staying on Track

Peak students should be capable of independent study and feel comfortable approaching teachers when they need help. On average, students should plan to spend 1-1.5 hours of school work per class every day. Students who fall behind the pacing and/or have an actual grade below 65% will be required to meet with their parents and the Student Engagement Coordinator to develop an Action Plan. This plan will include parental involvement and may consist of an attendance contract and an in person schedule until the student is back on track. 

Online Teachers

Math - 6th - 12th Grade
Mary Maxwell
Zoom Link-Click HERE

Social Studies - 6th-12th Grade
Nora Hammer 
Zoom Link-Click HERE

Language Arts - 6th-12th Grade
Kaeli Baugh
Zoom link-Click HERE

Science - 6th-12th Grade
Alexa Madden  
Zoom link - Click HERE 

Student Log-in
In order to log in to our digital resources the student user names and passwords incorporate the following information:
  1. First and Last Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Graduation Year
  4. Student ID number
  5. In the buildings students may need the WIFI password
If you have trouble logging in, please call the office at 970-252-7928
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